Saturday, December 3, 2016

On a Personal Note

Dear Reader,

Some days I struggle with what to write about on my blog. Oh, I can hear your gasp of shock all the way over here at my desk lol. But it's true. Some days I ask myself are you, the reader, coming here just for my books? Maybe you'd like a little insight into who I am when I'm not writing?

Since I don't have every fan's phone number so I can send you out a quick poll I just have to assume that all the other author's blogs I've read are correct in saying that you do in fact want to see if I'm actually human. (Don't ask my son that question though because he believes I'm from another planet where they have eyes in the back of their heads and don't pass gas.  Yelp...Glamorous right?)

So what would you like to know that you can't read in my bio on the right?

Would you like to hear about my struggles and joys as a parent/step-parent? How about what it's like to be a divorced woman who's finally found the man of her dreams? Or maybe you want to know about my adventures as a new chicken mom? Oh yes, I've found the joy of raising chickens and sometimes chicken poop is funny (most times it's not)! Or maybe it's just you have a question about writing in general. I'm game!

Okay, now it's up to you. Leave your questions or topics in the comments section and I'll be happy try to reply or if it's a big one I'll write a post for you.

Happy writing,

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